Specific Learning Disability (SLD)

Specific Learning Disability or Disorder (SLD) is a learning disorder that develops during the school-going age. As the name suggests, this neurodevelopment disorder directly impacts the learning ability of the child. This results in poor performance in studies as well as other daily activities. Children generally start showing difficulty in simple reading, writing, and numerical sums. According to a research paper on the Journal of Disability Studies, nearly 35 million children are suffering from Specific Learning Disability. Most of the time, the parents fail to realize that their child is having a learning disability and consider them poor in studies. This breaks down the confidence of the child and can also lead to some other serious psychological problems. So, it is necessary to identify this disorder at an early age so proper treatment can be initiated.

How to know if your child is having a learning disorder?

The very first sign of identifying is poor performance in school works. But you need to be sure first. Some children are slow learners! However, some children may not be able to understand and learn basic things and continuously fail. So, we have created a list of common symptoms of SLD taking help from our team of psychiatrists to determine whether your child has a Learning disorder.

  • Problems in reading and writing simple sentences or words.
  • Problems in solving simple maths
  • Weak memory power
  • Unable to follow directions
  • Lack of concentration
  • Unable to tell time
  • Problems in organizing things
  • Impulsive in nature
  • Difficulty in pronouncing words correctly
  • Difficulty in carrying out day-to-day school activities.
  • Unable to follow lectures.
  • Unable to adjust with changing routines or situations
  • Difficulty in understanding concepts.

What are the various types of Specific Learning Disabilities?

At Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, we have some of the best psychiatrists in Kolkata and Barasat who are experts in diagnosing any learning disability. There are several types of learning disabilities. So, it is necessary to determine the type. Below are the three most common learning disabilities found in children.

1. Dyslexia

The child is unable to make a connection between words, sounds, and letters. It creates difficulty in recognizing words. This can be treated with particular educational methods and techniques packaged for such children. It is best to start this teaching process as early as possible.

2. Dysgraphia

The child faces difficulty in writing properly and has poor handwriting. The child may also have problems in holding the pen or pencil. Occupational therapy is used for treating this disability. Some exercises are conducted to build the hand and wrists strength which enables them to write properly.

3. Dyscalculia

This causes difficulty in understanding basic numerical concepts such as number lines, fractions, and more. There is no specific cure for this problem however, children suffering from Dyscalculia can benefit from specialized instruction such as Multisensory maths technique and more. This helps them understand mathematical problems.

Our team of psychiatrists and special educators are experts in treating children with a specific learning disability. With a few sessions at Child and Adolescent Mental Health services, your child will go through impressive positive changes within a short period. So, if you are interested to learn more about our SLD treatment services, please leave a query on our contact page and we will get back to you!