Special care for Children

In Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service  we take special care for the children with Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Specific Learning Disability (SLD).

Intellectual Disability or Mental retardation is a condition of incomplete or halted development of the mind. It is not a disease. It is characterized by the impairment of skills manifested during the developmental period that contributes to the overall level of intelligence.

Intellectual functioning is significantly below average (IQ<70), with accompanying impairment in the person’s effectiveness in meeting the standards expected of one’s age, as is expected by social and cultural influences in the following areas: communication; self- care; home living; social/interpersonal skills; use of community resources; self-direction; functional academic skills; work; leisure; and health and safety.

Mental retardation is classified by the degree of intellectual functioning as mild, moderate, severe, or profound. There are other physical defects associated with the mental retardation.

• Genetic (chromosomal and inherited) conditions
• Prenatal exposure to infections and toxins
• Perinatal trauma
• Birth asphyxia
• Acquired conditions and social factors

• Sitting up, crawling, or walking later than other children
• Learning to talk later or have trouble speaking
• Finding it hard to remember things
• Not understanding how to pay for things
• Trouble understanding social rules
• Trouble seeing the consequences of their actions
• Trouble solving problems
• Trouble thinking logically

• In general, people with mild and moderate mental retardation have the most flexibility to adopt to environmental conditions.
• In most cases, the underlying intellectual impairment does not improve, yet the affected person’s level of adaptation can be positively influenced by an enriched and supportive environment.

Actual disease of hyperactivity (ADHD) deficiency : Hyperactivity deficiency (ADHD) illness affects children and remains from adolescence to adulthood. ADHD is most commonly seen in children as Mental disorder. Children with ADHD are hyperactive and unable to control their emotions or unable to concentrate on any task. These types of behaviours affect children’s education and mental health

Some important tips for parents of children with ADHD

1) Make a constructive and consistent daily routine at home

  • Help your child to do any work in an organized and focused manner by the following routine.
  • Always keep your child busy with good activates.

2) Communicate your needs to the children in obvious language.

  • Make very simple behavioural rules and reward them for following those rules. These things will encourage the child to follow your instructions.

3) Use rewards

  • Reward your child with special privilege appreciation or action.
  • Change rewards frequently. You do not give them same type of rewards every time because kids with ADHD easily suffer from boredom.
  • It is more important to give a reward immediately than to talk about giving a reward in the future

4) Use results

  • The child should be informed in advance of the consequences of his/her any bad activates
  • Try to avoid to give corporal punishment

5) Give time and patience

  • Do not try to change your child’s focus quickly,It can reduce their frustration and it may be more effective if you do it gradually.

6) Choose proper diet for your children

  • Get rid of junk food at home.
  • Always avoid fatty and sweet foods when going out of the house.
  • Stop watching advertisement of junk food in TV.
  • Add vitamin and mineral supplements in everyday

7) Encourage exercises and proper sleep

  • Children with ADHD are almost boosted in energy. Organized sports and other physical exercises help children build energy and stay healthy. These benefits of physical activity are immense as they increase concentration and reduce mental frustration and anxiety.
  • Reduce total screen time
  • Stop eating caffeine
  • Create a buffer time to reduce the level of daily activity for an hour or more before bed time.
  • Spend quality time with the kids as much as possible
  • Use lavender or other perfume in the kids’ room.
  • Soft music in the kids room