Intellectual Disability

Do you know nearly 31 million individuals in India have Intellectual disorder? And out of this huge number 35.29% are children! This Developmental disorder creates difficulties in both adaptive behaviors and Intellectual Functioning. So, a person having such a disorder has trouble doing day-to-day activities! The ID can be both mild and severe. For children with severe Intellectual Disability, special attention is required.

What are the symptoms of Intellectual disability in Children?

The earlier treatment for Intellectual disability starts, the better! We, The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services have created a list of signs and symptoms of Intellectual disability. This list was curated under the guidance of our expert team of doctors.

The signs of Intellectual disorder show up during the baby years. Here are a few:

  • Difficulty in learning to sit, crawl or walk as a baby
  • Trouble in speaking.
  • Difficulty in understanding
  • Difficulty in problem-solving
  • Problem in realizing the consequences of own action
  • Problem in thinking logically
  • Difficulty in doing small tasks
  • Unable to understand instructions.

What is the treatment procedure for Intellectual Disability in children?

A child with a developmental disorder has a low IQ. He or she also faces difficulties in carrying out simple daily activities. So, our treatment process is carefully packaged by some of the best psychiatrists in Kolkata to make it comfortable for the child. Here are the steps we follow:

IQ test

We measure the child’s IQ to learn about the child’s problem-solving skills and learning ability. However, a child should be above 4 years old to get the IQ test done. So, if your child is younger, you will have to wait for a few years.

Adaptive behavior test

Our psychiatrist will measure the child’s adaptive behavior through the scientific evaluation process. This test helps in determining the skill level of the child in comparison with other children of the same age.

Special educative program

Our best psychiatrists from Kolkata will evaluate the child’s intellectual condition through Comprehensive assessment. After that, they will plan a few educative and skill programs accordingly. This plan is customizable!

There is no particular cure for Intellectual disability in children. However, with special skill-building programs designed at the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, you will see improvement in your child in a short time. So, if you want to avail this service for your child just leave a message on our contact page today, and we will get back to you soon!