Evidence based Treatment

We, at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, provide Evidence based Treatment. Evidence-based treatment (EBT) refers to the treatment procedures which have scientific evidence for effectiveness. In simple language, we provide those treatments which have proven to be successful after extensive research. We adhere to EBT strictly and do not carry out any unproven or unsafe treatment.

Why we follow Evidence based treatment?

The evidence based treatment has evolved from Evidence-based medicine (EBM) which was established in 1992. EBM was encouraged so that patients don’t become victims of unproven medicine. Similarly, we provide Evidence-based psychotherapy as it has several advantages for both the medical practitioner and the patient.

Here are are some of the advantages of EBT:

  • It is considered an ethical method that is guided by relevant data.
  • The treatment methods are researched thoroughly.
  • Not based on someone’s personal opinion.
  • It helps the medical practitioner to develop guidelines, databases, and other necessary information.
  • It encompasses both local and scientific evidence.
  • The practitioner can come up with better judgment when adhering to this method.
  • They can ensure the best existing treatment procedure which is researched extensively.
  • The treatments can be customized according to the individual.
  • The treatment is provided only after assessing existing data.
  • The existing data helps in packaging treatment plans properly which are highly successful.
  • This method is beneficial for patients who have multiple psychiatric and medical complications. It helps in developing complex treatment package.
  • Practitioners can save a lot of time, money, and resources using this method because they don’t have to try out the questionable treatment.

Why EBT is essential in Child and Adolescent psychotherapy?

When it is the question about Children and Adolescent treatment we have to be careful. Following EBT methods we are providing the best and scientific-based, evidence based treatments to our little patients. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services adhere to strong EBT methods for children as they are proven effective after several studies— not only one or two!

Our team of doctors have years of experience and have abundant knowledge about various Evidence-based psychotherapy. So, book an appointment at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services today to get in touch with our efficient team of doctors. If you wish to learn more, please get in touch with us using the contact us page.