Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD)

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a brain development disorder that begins in early childhood and continues to adulthood. It directly affects a person’s societal behavior and understanding. An autistic person’s way of interaction and socialization is different from others so it becomes easy to identify them. This generates a lot of anguish for the person as well as the immediate family members. However, with proper treatment, this disorder can be treated to bring a considerable change in the child’s behavior. Autism can be detected at an early age especially when the child starts schooling. However, children as young as 18 months can develop this condition. There is no definite cure as of yet but with proper and early treatment for autism, a lot of change is possible.

What are the symptoms of Autism?

If a child develops Autism he or she would start showing the symptoms right from the infancy days. Some of the common symptoms associated with Autism are as follows:

  • Failing to respond to call of their name.
  • Repetition of words or sentences.
  • Resisting affectionate contacts such as hugging, cuddling, and holding.
  • Lost in their world and playing alone.
  • Lack of facial expression and no eye contact with any person.
  • Delayed speech or no speech at all. Forgetting learned words or sentences.
  • Unable to start any conversation but only make requests or label things.
  • No expression of emotions.
  • Unable to understand simple instructions and questions.
  • Passive, disruptive, or aggressive behavior during social interaction.
  • Difficulty in recognizing non-verbal communications such as body postures, facial expressions, and more.

What are the various treatments for Autism?

Proper treatment at a young age can improve the condition of an autistic child. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services have some of the best autism treatment methods. Our team of Psychiatrists and psychologists have created an effective treatment package for autistic children.

Here are the therapies for autism that are included in the package:

  1. Behavioral Management Therapy: Uses therapeutic methods to reinforce positive behaviors and lessen the unwanted ones.
  2. Cognitive behavior therapy: Focuses on the connection between feelings and thoughts with actions. Improves the behavior of the child.
  3. Social skills Training: Teaches children about social interaction and societal behavior.

Along with these, we also provide other treatments as well such as:

  • Educational Therapies
  • Medication Treatment
  • Physical Therapy
  • Nutritional Therapy
  • Speech-Language therapy
  • Parent-mediated therapy

And more…

Why choose us for your child’s treatment?

We have some of the best psychiatrists and psychologists from Kolkata in our team. They have extensive experience in the treatment of Autistic children. Not only doctors, but we also have a team of highly experienced caretakers who have training in handling autistic children. We have a special space in our center for the treatment of autistic children where they will feel relaxed and pleased. Moreover, our Treatment for Autism service comes at a very nominal price.

So, if you wish to learn more about our center and our team of experts drop in a message at our contact page. We will get back to you as soon as possible!