Picnic with Little Friends

Picnic with Little Friends

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services organised a picnic along with our little friends and their parents. For the whole day it was great enjoyable moments for all of us with many funny activities. Not only children, but their parents also participated in games. With a great hope for the coming year, the children will keep in their mind a great memory for this special day.
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Article on ASD

Article on ASD

On the occasion of World Autism Day, an article on Autism Spectrum Disorder was published in the nationally acclaimed magazine INDIA TODAY (Issue dated 11th April 2022).
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World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day

On behalf of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Servics Clinic Brain Neuropsychiatric Institute and Research Centre we observed World Autism Awareness Day on 2nd April,2022. Almost 200 participants ( Teachers ) attended . Chief Guest of the program was respected Sri Rathin Ghosh, Hon Minister-in-Charge, Food and Supplies, Govt of West Bengal. Program was inaugurated by Mr Asani Mukherjee, Chairman of Barasat Municipality and Mr Tapas Dasgupta, Vice Chairman, Barasat Municipality was guest of honor. Thanks to our MP respected Dr. Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar for her online speech in the inauguration. Dr.Tapan Biswas( President, IMA), Dr. Ashok Roy (Vice-president), Dr. Dhiman Chatterjee, Dr. Bibartan Saha, Dr. Suvayan Saha were the other dignitaries. Our budding Dr. Sri Jibak Chatterjee sang mesmerizing see Ong in the inauguration. Sri Arun Bhowmik (Councilor), Ms…
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