Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Why Special
Conditions We treat

Services We provide

Comprehensive Assessment
According to the National Health Survey 2016, 7.3% of children aged between 13-17 are suffering from...
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Child Psychiatrist Care
Every parent in this world wishes to see their children become successful in their life. However, fe...
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Evidence based Treatment
We, at Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, provide Evidence based Treatment. Evidence-based...
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Special care for Children
In Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service  we take special care for the children with Intellectu...
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Career Counseling
Choosing the right career for a child can be quite a daunting experience. When there are numerous ca...
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Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
Specific Learning Disability or Disorder (SLD) is a learning disorder that develops during the schoo...
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Case Count

Carrier counseling
Hyperactive Disorder
Specific Learning Disability
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Latest Events

Picnic with Little Friends
Picnic with Little Friends
February 11, 2023
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services organised a picnic along with our little friends and their parents. For the whole day it was great enjoyable moments for all of us with many funny...
Child & Women Mental Crisis – Bangladesh Visit
Child & Women Mental Crisis – Bangladesh Visit
October 22, 2022
A Programme with discussion and cultural program was organised in Bangladesh.  The topic was on "Child and Woman Mental Crisis."
Article on ASD
Article on ASD
August 28, 2022
On the occasion of World Autism Day, an article on Autism Spectrum Disorder was published in the nationally acclaimed magazine INDIA TODAY (Issue dated 11th April 2022).